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Land Use and Development


Many of our clients are large landowners involved in land use activities that require long-term, durable agreements that resolve endangered species and other resource issues. We have a highly successful track record developing and negotiating Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) and other regulatory compliance mechanisms that achieve these outcomes.


  • We represent a large multi-state timber company in connection with the development of a HCP covering 400,000 acres of forest in northern California.

  • We represent one of the most prestigious universities in the country in developing an HCP (approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2013) under the Endangered Species Act covering its large landholdings. This HCP covers several endangered species, and addresses ongoing operations of the campus and associated facilities, and future development.

  • We represent a diversified media and information company which is also one of the most significant landowners in California, assisting it with environmental and natural resource regulatory matters affecting their extensive land holdings throughout the state.  

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